Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Take A Kid Fishing

21 April 2012. Fish Valley, Semenyih.

Take A Kid Fishing program comes again for the third time, organised by KAGUM. Mr Lee of Fish Valley has once again sponsored the venue for the program, opening up his off-limits pond for the kids from Home Of Joy. He even sponsored lunch for all of us.

Arrived at Apek's house at 6.45am, had breakfast at mamak at Semenyih town, where we met Uncle Bob. Was the first to arrive at the meet up point. Slowly, all the uncles arrived, followed by the 32 kids in a school bus.

After breakfast, followed by briefing by Guvnor, the kids were assigned to their mentor. I personally think I got the naughtiest kid. Which is true as from the start, the kid's partner started warning him to behave or else. Each of us were assigned 2 kids. My tally for the day was a baung and a soon hock, with 3 fish managed to escape.

It was a fun day, seeing all the kids laugh and be happy. Certainly a change from an outing to the cinema etc.

Let the pictures do the talking.