Back again at Fish Valley for night session fishing. Supposedly planned this for Jason Kong to be out onto the field again, like the cantonese saying, "chong chut kong woo". But alas, the main actor decided to fall sick and FFK us. As he himself put it, it shall be known that his nickname is now FFK ( Fong Feikei Kong)
Jimmy picked me up as usual, and we headed to FV around 7-ish. Reached Semenyih and decided to buy some hong, as we were worried that no bait will be prepared. (really no bait prepared)
Reached FV and decided to have dinner at the new restaurant. I was surprised that so many people was having dinner there. Turns out that not everyone there are anglers. People from outside managed to hear about the restaurant, and almost all are families having dinner.
Jimmy and me had tomyam and kangkung belacan. While our food was being prepared, I ogled at 2 plabuks in the huge aquarium, plus some other fishes as well. The tomyam was superb. Well, it should be, because the chef is from Thailand itself, but Jimmy found it to be a little too sour for him. Michael came and chatted for a while. In my opinion, this restaurant will prosper.
It started to drizzle halfway through our dinner. Luckily Jimmy decided to bring his tent along. After dinner, we set up camp at the watergate. It didn't take very long for Jimmy to get his first fish.

I, on the other hand, had to wait for quite some time for my first (and only) fish. Was reeling in the fish when Modena and TJS came.

It was a slow night, and Jimmy's next fish was a surprising patin.

TJS was the next to get his license. A nice pak so kong.

Jimmy's escaped pacu did this.

Jeremy came by to busybody. Jimmy was busy untangling his fried beehoon, for like 20 minutes when his line moved. TJS slowly pulled the line in using his hands. A big head weighing 10kg.

Modena got his fish next, and tangling my line in the process. Near the landing, his line snapped, but fortunately, the line was still tangled with my line. Slowly reeled in, and got the pacu.

Proof that Modena is not getting old. Super power eyesight. He could see the rod tip move and got the fish.
After Modena's jelawat, no more fish landed, no more fish pull. Jimmy's chair broke ( supposedly by Jeremy, coz he moved somewhere else just before Jimmy sat and broke it XD)
And in the morning, Jimmy got his second patin.

Not many fish landed. Probably coz of the bright moon?
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