Saturday, July 4, 2009

Night Fishing, Fish Valley 26 June 2009

A not so satisfying trip for me, in terms of fishing. Only had 1 fish until I leave at abt 10am.

A preview of the durian buffet next week. A basket of durians to wallop while waiting for the fishes to bite. And we waited quite some time for the first fish to bite.

Jimmy with the first fish of the night (second in fact. Azizi got the first)

Datin with a big rohu

Jimmy with a huge ass rohu, from bamboo grove

At about 3 am, we separated to fish at different spots. Jimmy and Datin went to bamboo groves, Modena and Nelson went to TJS Sprint. Jimmy initial scouting at bamboo groves before moving there with Datin earned him a pacu. Barely casted and was just putting it at the rod holder, the pacu hits. Modena got about 7 hook-ups, and landed 5 at TJS sprint. Me, Bang Patin and Azizi stayed at the water gate, and I got a rohu, while Bang Patin and Azizi got none.

At about 6am, I moved to bamboo groves, but still get no fish. Lost a float while I wasn't paying attention. A fish got to it, quite big since it opened my clip. It was still hooked when I got to my rod, the rod was bent while I tried to bring the fish up but it got away. Probebly not hooked firmly.

Michael came at about 8am, brought some small durians, and found a durian worm which Jimmy managed to hook a pacu with. Lost the pacu when it was near to the banks.

A totally unrelated pic from Laguna Kelana

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