Went to Ulu Yam coz supposedly there's one area is accident prone. Something about the road looks straight when it's actually a sharp corner, and vehicles drove straight against a big tree. Lives have been claimed there. The place is dark ( lack of street lights ), and we were supposed to go to several places. Firast place we went is an abandoned housing project, but decided not to proceed coz there are dogs, and flash lights turned on when we went near. ( safety reason ) Then we went to the hot springs, and again canceled coz it was developed into a resort-like place, and brightly lit. Before the place was developed, supposedly sometimes ppl can see "puteri bunian" mandi there. Naked or not, I don't know LOL. Anyway, we went to this other waterfall where it's really dark. And explored.
Proceeded to Taman Zooview. Got lost coz we dont exactly know where the bungalow is. Asked a couple of Malay kids at the roadside, and they gladly lead us to the house on their motorbikes. And they kindly declined when we asked them to join us. We asked them for the story of the house and they say, a professor/doctor killed his wife and daughter (or son, can't remember) for some experiment stuff, and committed suicided afterwards. Roshan saw a apparition (looked like a girl ) standing in front of the gate, like it was telling us not to go in. For the note, I haven't seen, felt or heard anything since I follow them. Well, we went in to the porch and grouped. We had to go down the steps at the side of the house to go to the first floor. And first floor's floor is mostly caved in, so we can't go to the ground floor. FYI, main entrance is from the top, which explains why we couldn't enter from the ground floor. Some ppl saw stuff, but I have no luck ( or am I lucky? )
Sorry for my lousy drawing. As you can see, we parked the car at the top. The thing with the roof is the porch. After deciding that we won't risk by going down the slope to the ground floor, we went to Highland Towers. Didn't went in this time, just went through the back trying to find a way to the other tower. Nothing interesting, so we stopped at the abandoned bungalow on the way back to the car. Separated some members and leave the in separate room to try and see whether there's some paranormal activities going. I was left in the bathroom, alone. Felt nothing, although all the time I was with the group ( I am the person walking last every time), I keep anticipating that pat on my shoulder so I can shout like a girl and run. XD.
And that's all for this trip. Before that, Pics!!
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