Reached Fish Valley abt 9pm. thanks to Jimmy and Datin for picking me up along the way. First to reach there in our group. As usual, we started at TJS Sprint.
Barely a minute after Jimmy casted and set his rod down, he got a bite. A healthy pacu. Pellet on float.

Datin is the next one to land a fish. Big sized rohu caught with bread on float.

No bites for abt 30 minutes. Jeremy reached and we decided to move to the watergates since we need to set up the barbecue pit.
I casted and a bite before I manage to put my rod down. Pellet on float.

Setting up the barbecue pit.

While setting up the barbeque, Michael came by with his wife and kid. Brought some wild boar cooked with char siew sauce. And it was when we were busy eating the wild boar, Datin's rod got a bite. Micheal's 4 year old son had the honour of reeling in the fish. A patin abt 1kg.
The lamb was nicely marinated.

Things really quiet down after that, but it gives us time to dig in into the lamb and chicken wings. It was when I was manning the pit when my rod got a bite. Immediately threw the tong away to attend to my rod.
Hong on spring with pellet and corn on hooks.

Bites were slow, unlike the last time around.
Jimmy with a black carp, deemed sesat coz it was rare to land a black carp at the area.

Jimmy again with a pacu.

Jeremy finally get a fish, courtesy of the flowery shorts, but not before he lost a fish on the banks when abt to net it.

During the night, there were more bites and I didn't manage to snap photos of it.
Morning came.
And it was then my reel screamed. The fish managed to empty half my spool before I got it under control. After pumping for a moment, the line is still at the same position. And the thought came. "Could it be a plabuk?" I was worried coz it's a rod not meant for big fish, and if it's indeed a plabuk, my reel would not have enough line. The fish still wouldn't budge after some time.
Modena tried to play with it, and it's decided that the line is caught around some debris. Letting the line run freely managed to make the fish swim around, but reeling it back, it kept being stuck at the same place. Jeremy tried to go around the debris by going to the other end, but failed and snapped the line. Well, it was a good experience, plus a good early morning exercise.
Bites were slow again.
And Jimmy got a small carp abt 9am.
And another at abt 10am.

A pacu, casting far to the middle of the pond.
Datin's slipper tercabut tapak when she tried to run to her rod.

And another one from the middle of the pond.

I lost 3 floats but Jimmy recovered 1 back for me. Lost a few hooks as well, and a pacu broke a hook. From "J" shape, it became an "I". Patah, not straightened. Jimmy lost many hooks as well.
It's not that good this time around, coz lower bites. Possibly the hong wasn't as good as last time. But in my case, it was good. I had more hook ups than last time. Looking forward to the next time.